Peerless Atlan Spear of Black Fire
Peerless Atlan Spear of Black Fire

Notes Edit

You've altered your weapon!

You've reverted your weapon!

Update History Edit

To Raise a Banner of Flame

  • Introduced.

Should the Stars Fall

  • Damage changed from 4 - 16 to 6 - 16.

The Gathering Storm

  • New particle effect added.

Heart of Woe

  • Damage changed from 6 - 16 to 16 - 40.
  • Attack modifier of 7% added.
  • Melee Defense modifier of 7% added.
  • Spear Mastery Other IV, Blood Drinker VI, Swift Killer IV, Cold Protection Other IV, and Curse of Black Fire changed to Spear Mastery Self VI, Blood Drinker VI, Defender VI, Heart Seeker VI, Swift Killer VI, and Curse of Black Fire.
  • Spear skill activation requirement decreased from 250 to 225.
  • Arcane lore activation requirement of 180 removed.
  • Mana total decreased from 1,000 to 750.
  • Mana consumption rate decreased from 1 per 10 seconds to 1 per 30 seconds.
  • Ivoryable property added.

Master of Arms

  • Skill changed from Spear to Light Weapons.
  • Base skill requirement of 300 added.
  • Damage changed from 16 - 40 to unknown.
  • Attack modifier changed from 7% to 15%.
  • Melee Defense modifier changed from 7% to 0%.
  • Activation requirements removed.

The Risen Princess

  • Retired.