Introduced:  Release
Pondenn The Armorer
Non-Player Killer
Race Male Aluvian
Title Armorer
Location 29.9N, 25.8E near Glenden Wood
Level 9
Strength 95
Endurance 110
Coordination 50
Quickness 80
Focus 30
Self 30
Health 130
Stamina 190
Mana 70

Notes Edit

Currency Edit

Inventory Edit

Armor Edit

Trade Notes Edit

Lore & Dialog Edit


Pondenn the Armorer tells you, "Greetings."

Buying From

Pondenn the Armorer tells you, "Good idea."

Selling To

Pondenn the Armorer tells you, "Okay. I'll buy it."

Pondenn the Armorer tells you, "Good."


Pondenn the Armorer tells you, "Thanks for coming by!"