Poor Lense
Introduced: | Gears of Change |
- Value: 500
- Burden: 200
- Bonus to Melee Defense: +5.0%
- Spells: Expose Weakness I
- Your base Assess Creature must be at least 25 to wield this item.
- This item cannot be sold.
- Spellcraft: 75
- Mana: 6000
- Mana Cost: 1 point per 20 seconds.
- A lense used in the assessment of creatures. Use of this lense will make creatures more vulnerable to physical attacks.
Notes Edit
- Requires Item Tinkering to make. Usable by anyone with the required Assess Creature.
- Usable as a regular magic caster also.
- The effect of the spell is comparable to Imperil Other I.
Recipe Edit
- Tools
- Smelting Pot, Handle Mold
- Ingredients
- (1) Unfinished Lense, (1) Abrasive Polish, (1) Lense Frame, (1) Lead Scarab
- Result
- (1) Poor Lense
- Steps:
- Use Smelting Pot on Lead Scarab to create Smelting Pot of Lead.
- Use Smelting Pot of Iron on Handle Mold to create Lead Handle.
- Use Abrasive Polish on Unfinished Lense to create Finished Lense.
- Use Lense Frame on Finished Lense to create Framed Lense.
- Use Framed Lense on Lead Handle to create Poor Lense.
- You smelt the Lead Scarab in the Smelting Pot.
- You pour the Lead into the Handle Mold.
- You use the abrasive to polish the Lense.
- You set the Lense in the Frame.
- You place the framed lense on the handle completing the examining device.
- You cast Expose Weakness I on Oak Target Drudge