Portal to Bur
  • Value: ???
  • Burden: Unknown
  • This portal cannot be recalled nor linked to.
  • This portal cannot be summoned.
  • Bur
  • This portal, created by Prince Borelean Strathelar, will transport you to the world of Bur. However, it is warded in such a fashion that only those that have undertaken certain preparations may proceed through.
The Portal to Bur on Dereth

Map Dereth Point

Description Edit

  • This is where Prince Borelean Strathelar created to portal to Bur so we could save Asheron from the Falatacot who imprisoned him there.
  • It appeared during a live event where the players had to defend the Prince while he summoned the portal.
  • In order to enter the portal and go to Bur you must complete the necessary flagging quest.
  • Note You must click on the portal to be teleported. Merely running into the portal is not enough.

Route Edit

  • Take the Glystaene Cottages Settlement Portal (8.8N 60.9E) in Rithwic then run north to the portal at the top of the mountain peak (67.4N 30.5E).

Objects Edit

Northern Pedestal Eastern Pedestal Western Pedestal

NPCs Edit