Introduced:  Throne of Destiny Related Quests:  Brewing Beer
Putrid Fermented Brew
  • Value: 75
  • Burden: 150
  • This item cannot be sold.
  • This fermented brew is putrid, horrible, awful, and terrible. Mix in special additives to further customize this brew or skip straight to the kegging!

Notes Edit

Recipe Edit

Brew Kettle
1 Water, 1 Spoiled Barley, 1 Ruined Hops, 1 Rancid Yeast
1 Putrid Fermented Brew
  • Steps:
  1. Use Brew Kettle on Water to create Full Brew Kettle.
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  2. Use Spoiled Barley on Full Brew Kettle to create Spoiled Wort.
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  3. Use Ruined Hops on Spoiled Wort to create Rancid Finished Wort.
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  4. Use Rancid Yeast on Rancid Finished Wort to create Putrid Fermented Brew.
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