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Ranger Lord Mhoire
Level: Any
Rec. Level: 150+
Type: Fellowship
Starts At: The Burning Wood in the Graveyard
Repeat: 20 Hours

Overview Edit

  • The Corrupted Pyre Oak is a rare spawn boss creature found in the Burning Wood section of the Graveyard that only appears in the nighttime hours (Gloaming to Dawnsong).

Walkthrough & Notes Edit

  1. Keep a look out for the Corrupted Pyre Oak. It spawns in the Burning Wood area of the Graveyard, the valley to the southwest. It is found right near the edge of the Graveyard around 66.5S, 44.8W. Remember that it only spawns during the night and disappears at Dawnsong.
  2. If you are lucky enough to be around when he spawns immediately summon reinforcements. It is not easy to fight alone and has a great deal of health.
    • The golem spawns with a number of Corrupted Pyre Sparks that cast level 8 Fire Vulns so it is best to avoid them completely. It also has many of the normal spawns of Pyre Skeletons near it.
  3. The absolute best way to kill it is for archers kill it from afar with using Spectral Bows with Lightning Arrows (Raider Lightning Arrows preferably). Archers should be able to find a spot outside the agro range of the creatures (Sparks and Skeletons) where they can fire on the golem. The Sparks will not defend the golem. Mages should just support the archers and debuff the golem. Melees should also just heal because it is normally too dangerous to jump down into the fray.
    • The Pyre Oak's most dangerous attacks are fire attacks including Flame Wave and Fire Bomb. When fire vulned these spells do tremendous damage and can even one shot you.
  4. When the Pyre Oak dies an NPC, Ranger Lord Grymar Mhoire, spawns that hands out Lord Grymar Mhoire's Key.
  5. Once you have a key go to the Burnt and Twisted Stump located just behind the bunker near where the Golem and NPC were at 66.3S, 44.8W.
  6. Unlock the Stump and loot your rewards.


  • When the Corrupted Pyre Oak has spawned, a Corrupted Frost Grave will appear in the main section of the Graveyard notifying you that the golem is up.
  • Ranger Lord Mhoire only gives out a maximum of 10 keys, after which he disappears.
  • You do not need to participate in the fight to get a key.
  • After the NPC disppears a pile of Noble Remains appears where he was and it remains until Dawnsong.
  • The Pyre Oak drops a treasure pile when it dies that has a good chance of having a Jester Card or Ancient Mhoire Coin on it.

Rewards Edit

Speak to Ranger Lord Grymar Mhoire and loot Burnt and Twisted Stump
Titles: Warden of the Burning Wood

Images Edit

Click image for full size version.

Dialog Edit

Ranger Lord Grymar Mhoire Edit

His corrupted forest form destroyed, the spirit of Lord Grymar appears.
Lord Grymar says, "I can linger in this wood for only a short time. Come speak gentlefolk."
Ranger Lord Grymar Mhoire tells you, "The corruption of my spirit binds me to these trees. I can feel the burning of the wood as if it was my own flesh."
Ranger Lord Grymar Mhoire tells you, "You have my thanks for becoming watchers of this wood, however burnt. Take my key and seek my hidden vault. The treasures there are yours."
Ranger Lord Grymar Mhoire gives you Lord Grymar Mhoire's Key
Ranger Lord Grymar Mhoire tells you, "I thank you for your skill and bravery."
Ranger Lord Grymar Mhoire bestows to you the title "Warden of the Burning Wood."

Giving Lord Grymar's Ancient Emblem of Mhoire to Arcanum Mana-smith Edit

You allow Arcanum Mana-smith to examine your Lord Grymar's Ancient Emblem of Mhoire.
You hand over 1 of your Lord Grymar's Ancient Emblem of Mhoires.
Arcanum Mana-smith tells you, "Here's an interesting bit of information for you. Mhoire had his family's emblems infused with a small bit of mana - enough that I can use it in the forges successfully. I'll give you a key - one of the special keys, not my normal keys - in thanks."
Arcanum Mana-smith gives you Mana Forge Key.

Update History Edit

Risks and Rewards

  • Quest introduced.

Gears of Change

  • Repeat timer of 13 days (Emblem hand in) removed.