Rhethis Eipoth
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The fourth age of the Yalaini. Rhethis Eipoth translates to First Age of Lore. This era lasted 895 years.[1][2]
Timeline Edit
Portal Year | Yalaini Epothi | Event |
RE 1 | Yalain
Emperor Kellin I declares the beginning of the Rhethis Eipoth with the end of the Black Rains.[1][3]
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RE 208 | Yalain
Shimena Keep constructed on the northeast islet of Aerlinthe, then an unnamed island. Shimena guarded the northern approaches to Ireth Lassel research colony from Pelagian sea-nomads.[3] | |
RE 213 | Yalain
A larchess tree is planted within the walls of Shimena Keep.[3] | |
RE 221 | Yalain
Hearing from former Shimena garrison troops of great riches on Aerlinthe, Lord Gevran Loritane of Elancia visits aboard his sailing skyship Tinoriel. He discovers great mineral wealth, and magma flows of sufficient temperature to permit the forging of mana-alloy. The enchanters Eosonn and Auriam are crushed by a magma tube cave-in when the land quakes. Without the ability to levitate Tinoriel, the ship returns to Glystenae over sea.[3] | |
RE 222 | Yalain
Loritane sends sixteen great ocean-galleons and two skyships to Aerlinthe, carrying the supplies necessary to build a mining outpost. Lord Loritane and Lady Raina accompany the vessels in Tinoriel.
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RE 223 | Yalain
Completion of the light-towers of Weretirae and Eretirae, on either side of the navigation channel on Aerlinthe.[3] | |
RE 225 | Yalain
Tenkarrdun's forges return their first profit. Loritane and Raina return to Elancia. Lady Raina convinces Loritane to appoint master smith Hare Aralea as governor of Aerlinthe.[3] | |
RE 230 | Yalain
His Most Dignified and Serene Majesty Emperor Kellin, seventh in the Line of Alaidain, dies. His son Delophon takes the Cerulean Throne, assuming the Imperial Name of Caerlin (“Lord of the Deep Waters”).[3] | |
RE 274 | Gromnatross, Yalain
The Blessing of Aerlinthe. A gromnatross makes her aerie on the peaks of Cunara. She is named Aurlanaa by the people of the port.[3] | |
RE 313 | Yalain
Expansion of the foundry of Aerlinthe; two new forges added.[3] | |
RE 317 | Yalain
The outgassing of noxious fumes from Ernassen forces a two-month evacuation to Ireth Lassel.[3] | |
RE 323 | Yalain
Battle of Shimena. Twenty Imperial chevairds and forty-four household troops of Loritane perish while holding at bay a raiding force of five hundred Pelagic sea-nomads, embarked in two dozen sailing vessels of war.
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RE 324 | Yalain
In response to the raids, Emperor Caerlin declares the port of Aerlinthe an Imperial anchorage and treasure port. Four war galleons and seven fast skysloops, for scouting and messenger duty, drop anchor in Raina's Harbor. They bring with them an additional hundred chevairds to garrison the island. Aerlinthe is acknowledged as one of the most important sources of pyreal in the Empire.[3] | |
RE 329 | Yalain
The sailing platform-city of the sea-nomads that raided Aerlinthe in 323 is tracked and taken by the Imperial naval force. Most of the Aerlinthe captives are found enslaved in galley oarlocks.[3] | |
RE 331 | Yalain
The Eaulinthe (“Star-Stone”) is found in the deepest crevasses of Tenkarrdun. This large diamond contains a small amount of liquid magma, kept hot and brightly shining through unknown magical means.[3] | |
RE 336 | Yalain
Asheron Realaidain is born.[1] | |
RE 340 | Yalain
Raina's Harbor boils. A new fumarole opens at the bottom, heating the water to scalding temperatures. The Imperial ships are anchored at Shimena while golems dig a new land outlet for the gasses, then seal the fumarole.[3] | |
RE 349 | Yalain
Memorial Stone erected in Shimena Keep, inscribed with the names of all who died in the Pelagic raids of 323.[3] | |
RE 366 | Dericost, Shadow, Yalain
Children begin to disappear at night in the village of Daralet in the Dericost Marches.[4] | |
RE 371 | Shadow, Yalain
The forges of Aerlinthe begin to produce weapons designed by Lord Atlan of Knorr. Lord Loritane takes the finest axe, and has the Eaulinthe fixed upon its blade. With this weapon he joins the northern army at Planae.
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RE 372 | Yalain
Raina gives birth to a daughter, whom she names Clari.[3] | |
RE 388 | Shadow, Yalain
Nesortania Province overrun by the forces of the Hopeslayer. Lady Raina takes Clari and her household, and flees to the Imperial Archipelago.[3] | |
RE 392 | Shadow, Yalain | |
RE 426 | Yalain
Caerlin replaces the galleon Minaera, last of the original Imperial patrol squadron, with the new sailing frigate Reithyis.[3] | |
RE 502 | Yalain
Prince Durglen Realaidain, son of the Emperor, announces that he will take the hand of Clari Loritane, Mistress of Aerlinthe, and walk by her side into darkness or dawn.[3] | |
RE 507 | Yalain
Prince Durglen joins hands with Mistress Clari in the Iphvircae Cliffs Cathedral.[3] | |
RE 567 | Yalain
A large colony of mulardil are discovered in the Naarcaerel Reef by the fisher-woman Julitaen, a poor resident of the harbor tempest floats. She is titled mistress of the mular-pearl harvest by Hare Aralea, and hires all the other residents of the floats.[3] | |
RE 686 | Yalain
Caerlin's “Council of Five” is convened.[1] | |
RE 886 | Yalain
Ejan Aralae, son of Hare, succeeds his father as master smith and governor of Aerlinthe.[3] | |
RE 893 | Shadow, Yalain
Emperor Caerlin is brushed by Black Madness in battle, and becomes leprous with Ayai Heauviri.* | |
RE 895 | Gromnatross, Shadow, Yalain
Aurlanaa leaves her aerie on the peak of Cunara. She meets several other gromnatross south of Aerlinthe, and they ascend, disappearing into the heavens. No gromnatross are seen on Auberean for twenty-two years.
Key Edit
- If an entry has no source listed at the end of the line, its source is the next one listed.
- There are no Year Zeros in the Yalain Eipoth system.
- Portal Year is abbreviated as PY.
- Dates in normal text are confirmed.
- Dates in italics are a best estimate based on the available information.
- Entries with no date are placed where they are only as a best estimate based on the available information, and may have occured at another time.
- When further clarification for the placement of an event is needed, the maintainer(s) of the timeline will place an editor's note.
References Edit
- ↑ Jump up to: 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 2001/11 Dark Majesty - Ages of the Empyrean
- ↑ 2003/03 The History of Auberean/Volume II: A Struggle With Darkness (-2,998 to -1,999)
- ↑ Jump up to: 3.00 3.01 3.02 3.03 3.04 3.05 3.06 3.07 3.08 3.09 3.10 3.11 3.12 3.13 3.14 3.15 3.16 3.17 3.18 3.19 3.20 3.21 3.22 3.23 3.24 3.25 3.26 3.27 2000/07 To Raise a Banner of Flame - Aerlinthe Record
- ↑ 2000/02 Shadows of the Past - Archival Copy