Introduced:  Into the Darkness
Rkos the Armorer
Non-Player Killer
Race Lugian
Title Armorer
Location 87.3S 67.3W in Candeth Keep
Level 93
Strength 225
Endurance 201
Coordination 192
Quickness 108
Focus 104
Self 89
Health 241
Stamina 382
Mana 109

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Rkos the Armorer tells you, "Hello, welcome to our smithy. I don't mind saying that I consider myself one of the best Armor-smiths in Dereth."

Rkos the Armorer tells you, "You've come to the right place if you want protection from all things slashing, piercing and bludgeoning."

Rkos the Armorer tells you, "Welcome my friend. Don't worry I make armor in your size too, haha."

Rkos the Armorer tells you, "Welcome to our smithy. If you happen to be a Town Builder you can get some great deals from Tunlok. He's the weapons master who sells battle goods. We provide him with most of his weapons and armor."

Buying From

Rkos the Armorer tells you, "You might want to get one of those fancy mage people to put some of those enchantments on that."

Rkos the Armorer tells you, "That piece should stop most blows from hurting you, It should keep you safe enough."

Rkos the Armorer tells you, "If that doesn't protect you your doing something wrong."

Selling To

Rkos the Armorer tells you, "Excellent! I have a customer who was looking for this very piece."

Rkos the Armorer tells you, "I like this. Simple, yet elegant."

Rkos the Armorer tells you, "Not bad, I can fix this up for someone."

Rkos the Armorer tells you, "Sure wish this came in my size."


Rkos the Armorer tells you, "Good luck in your battles."

Rkos the Armorer tells you, "Goodbye. Keep your shield up!"

Rkos the Armorer tells you, "It was a pleasure to do business with you."