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Ruschk Burial Mound
Quests Loyalty Reset Quest
Restrictions Level: 60
Tieable: No
Recallable: No
Summonable: No
Coordinates 91.5N, 69.0W
near Silyun
Nearest LS 87.3N, 70.8W
Route Town Network -> Silyun (south hall)
Map Files: ACMaps Map
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Map Dereth Point


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The dungeon for the Ordina Rossu Morta part of the Loyalty Reset Quest. You must come here after flagging with Lydda and retrieve the Ruschk Funerary Fetish, which when handed to Lydda will sever your ties to the faction and allow you to join the Whispering Blade.

Provides access to the Inner Burial Chamber.

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  • Surface - near drop and at the end, see map

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