Sandino Montegarre
Non-Player Killer
Race Male Viamontian
Title Bowyer
Location Rossu Morta Chapterhouse (Quest Flag: must have completed Rossu Morta Chapterhouse Access
Level 31
Strength 120
Endurance 130
Coordination 200
Quickness 200
Focus 150
Self 120
Health 145
Stamina 260
Mana 170

Notes Edit

  • Route: See Royal Hall
  • Sells at 140%, buys at 90%.
  • See Bowyer for other similar shopkeepers.

Currency Edit


Inventory Edit

Gems Edit

Keys, Tools Edit

Weapons Edit

Fletching Items Edit

Trade Notes Edit

Lore & Dialog Edit


Sandino Montegarre tells you, "Hello, what can I do for you?"

Buying From

Sandino Montegarre tells you, "May you get good use of that."

Selling To

Sandino Montegarre tells you, "I think you'll find that a fair price for taking that off your hands."


Sandino Montegarre tells you, "Shoot straight, friend. Preferably at the Bloodless Queen's running dogs."