Introduced:  Throne of Destiny
Scribe Copiara Parolinnis
Non-Player Killer
Race Female Viamontian
Title Scribe
Location 87.4N 70.5W in Silyun
Level 3
Strength 25
Endurance 20
Coordination 25
Quickness 35
Focus 50
Self 90
Health 50
Stamina 95
Mana 90

Notes Edit

  • Route: See Silyun
  • See Scribe for other similar shopkeepers.
  • Sells at 170%, buys at 80%.

Currency Edit


Inventory Edit

Books, Paper Edit

Trade Notes Edit

Lore & Dialog Edit

Opening (Viamontians)

Scribe Copiara Parolinnis tells you, "My books are made from the finest parchment and animal skins. Please take your time and peruse my wares."

Buying From (Viamontians)

Scribe Copiara Parolinnis tells you, "Thank you for your purchase."

Selling To (Viamontians)

Scribe Copiara Parolinnis tells you, "Where did you find this? If you should come across any more bring them to me and I will buy them from you."

Closing (Viamontians)

cribe Copiara Parolinnis tells you, "Fair tidings to you."

Opening (non-Viamontians)

Scribe Copiara Parolinnis tells you, "I specialize in the written word. I am sure one as ignorant as yourself has no need of my services."

Buying From (non-Viamontians)

Scribe Copiara Parolinnis tells you, "For a few extra pyreal I can read this to you."

Scribe Copiara Parolinnis tells you, "I jest of course. Find someone else to read it to you."

Selling To (non-Viamontians)

Scribe Copiara Parolinnis tells you, "Here's your pyreal, minus the King's tax on foreigners."

Closing (non-Viamontians)

Scribe Copiara Parolinnis tells you, "Leave the door open on your way out. It just won't do to have this stench in here."

Scribe Copiara Parolinnis tells you, "Perhaps that was a bit too circumspect for you. Take a bath before your next visit"