Second Missive to the World Shaper
Introduced: | Waking from the Abyss | Related Quests: | Olthoi Chasm Quest |
World Shaper,
As you have requested, so it has been done. The outlanders remain predictable and pliable. They have furnished us with the materials you require.
Notes Edit
- Obtained by giving Untranslated Note to Kuyiza bint Zayi the Translator:
- You give Kuyiza bint Zayi the Translator Untranslated Note.
- Kuyiza bint Zayi the Translator tells you, "A second note written in the same hand, and like the first a missive written recently. What are they working on?"
- Kuyiza bint Zayi the Translator gives you Second Missive to the World Shaper.