Introduced:  Waking from the Abyss Related Quests:  Olthoi Chasm Quest
Second Missive to the World Shaper
  • Value: 25
  • Burden: 90
  • Properties: Attuned, Bonded
  • 1 of 1 pages full.
  • A neatly written note.

World Shaper,
As you have requested, so it has been done. The outlanders remain predictable and pliable. They have furnished us with the materials you require.

Notes Edit

You give Kuyiza bint Zayi the Translator Untranslated Note.

Kuyiza bint Zayi the Translator tells you, "A second note written in the same hand, and like the first a missive written recently. What are they working on?"

Kuyiza bint Zayi the Translator gives you Second Missive to the World Shaper.