Shadow's Note
Introduced: | Sudden Season | Related Quests: | Premonitions of the Fourth Sending of Darkness |
It is time for the master to return. Cold darkness is seeping across the land and it's filling our bodies with new power. I can feel him waiting and his power is growing even in his imprisonment. He wants to be free. As much as I fear the Virindi, I fear the Hopeslayer more. I shall seek them out and if they do not destroy me on sight, I shall ask for aid help in returning Bael'Zharon to Dereth. You will be free soon, First Herald. Then we shall free the Great Master. Soon...
Notes Edit
- Obtained by giving Dark Note to Fanzen San the Translator:
- You give Fanzen San the Translator Dark Note.
- Fanzen San the Translator tells you, "Hmm.... Now let's see...."
- Fanzen San the Translator tells you, "This isn't a good sign at all. If what this says is true. Oh my. See for yourself."
- Fanzen San the Translator gives you Shadow's Note.
- WCID: 5827