Introduced:  Release
Shi Ki-Yong the Armorer
Non-Player Killer
Race Female Sho
Title Armorer
Location 66.5N, 49.8E in Bandit Castle
Level 10
Strength 100
Endurance 80
Coordination 90
Quickness 80
Focus 50
Self 50
Health 120
Stamina 160
Mana 100

Notes Edit

Currency Edit

Inventory Edit

Armor Edit

Keys, Tools Edit

Lore & Dialog Edit


Shi Ki-Yong the Armorer tells you, "Congratulations on making it up here. Now what is it you are looking for?"

Buying From

Shi Ki-Yong the Armorer tells you, "Be careful with that."

Selling To

Shi Ki-Yong the Armorer tells you, "I find this useful enough. Here is your payment."


Shi Ki-Yong the Armorer tells you, "May strong blades guard your back"