Introduced:  Release
Shopkeep Mirinda
Non-Player Killer
Race Female Aluvian
Title Shopkeeper
Location 33.4N, 56.6E in Arwic
Level 3
Strength 30
Endurance 50
Coordination 20
Quickness 30
Focus 20
Self 25
Health 55
Stamina 100
Mana 50

Notes Edit

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Fletching Items Edit

Lore & Dialog Edit


Shopkeep Mirinda tells you, "Arwic will soon be back to how it once was."

Buying From

Shopkeep Mirinda tells you, "You really know how to choose your items well."

Selling To

Shopkeep Mirinda tells you, "I've seen things in better repair but I can spare some pyreal with all this business."


Shopkeep Mirinda tells you, "High Queen Elysa has performed a wonderful service to us all."

Retired (from Twilight's Gleaming)

Mirinda tells you, "Welcome to New Arwic. Or Newic, as I like to call it. Not bad for a place that just got leveled, eh?"

Mirinda tells you, "Beware big flashing things that fall out of the sky and destroy cities."