Shrine to Xao Wu
  • Value: 0
  • Burden: 8,000
  • Use this shrine to read its inscription.

    1 of 1 pages full.
  • A simple shrine to Xao Wu of Yanshi.
Shrine to Xao Wu
In memory of Xao Wu, who was lost in the Destruction of Yanshi. She was kind of heart and gentle of soul. I pray that she is happy wherever she is.

Notes Edit

  • Shrine to Jeweler Xao Wu who never reappeared at a Lifestone after the destruction of Yanshi.
  • Located at 12.2S, 42.6E in Yanshi.
  • During the Atonement and Festivus events this was mentioned by the Town Criers:
Town Crier tells you, "Did you hear Jeweler Xao Wu never came back from the Lifestone? What could have happened?"

Town Crier tells you, "Jeweler Xao Wu never came back from the Lifestone. They say her body never re-formed! What is happening? These are strange times!"