Introduced:  Release
Singud Trell the Archmage
Non-Player Killer
Race Male Aluvian
Title Archmage
Location 29.8N, 27.4E in Glenden Wood
Level 7
Strength 20
Endurance 60
Coordination 20
Quickness 75
Focus 90
Self 65
Health 80
Stamina 110
Mana 135

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Lore & Dialog Edit


Singud Trell the Archmage tells you, "I'm glad to be sleeping in a real bed again. It was exciting blasting those Eater creatures, but I prefer Glenden Wood to be the sleepy town in the woods it's always been."

Buying From

Singud Trell the Archmage tells you, "An excellent purchase."

Selling To

Singud Trell the Archmage tells you, "You drive a hard bargain, my friend."


Singud Trell the Archmage tells you, "Thank you for your business. You may want to talk to Tomo Genza in the Blacksmith's Shop. She received some information from the Royal Guard that may allow us to strike back at Varicci's forces."