Introduced:  The Widening Gyre Related Quests:  New Singular Repositories
Singular Lugian Warlord
Class Gotrok Lugian
Level 100
XP 80,000
Luminance 0
Loot Tier 5
Attacks Bludgeon, Pierce, Slash
Weaknesses Lightning
Strength 290
Endurance 260
Coordination 200
Quickness 160
Focus 135
Self 135
Health 390
Stamina 410
Mana 170
Advanced Stats
Melee Attack
Melee Defense
Missile Attack
Missile Defense
Magic Attack
Magic Defense


    Notes Edit

    Dialog Edit

    Singular Lugian Warlord tells you, "Human weakling! Have you come to plunder our stocks of minerals? You will not leave here alive!"