Specimen 1347 Report #1
  • Value: 0
  • Burden: 10
  • 1 of 1 pages full.
  • A note found upon the corpse of Commander Kurth during one of his raids.

This is the beginning of further experimentation on specimen 1347, known commonly as Jared Kurth. After his defeat at the hands of the Bloodless, he returned to a lifestone properly and showed no ill effect from using Heartbreaker.

He has been equipped with a new weapon, which shall henceforth be referred to as Souldrinker. Although it does not possess the unique characteristics as Heartbreaker, the current experiment does not require that. Rather, its ability - the ability to channel vitae directly from a dying target into the bearer - should yield valuable new clues into the workings of life and death on this world. Plus, slaying a few Bloodless never hurt anything.

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