Introduced:  Friend and Foe Related Quests:  Lunnum's Pyre
Story of Lunnum's Pyre
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  • The story of Lunnum's Pyre and instructions on how to maintain it.

Many years ago when the Fiun escaped to Dereth, only one Fiun female fled with them. Her name was Fiun Lunnum and with her rested the fate of all the Fiun. For as long as Lunnum survived there remained hope that the Fiun race would somehow survive and rebuild. Unfortunately, hope soon turned to horror as one day Lunnum was found brutally murdered by one of their own.

A note lay next to her that read:

"For our arrogance."

Lunnum's Pyre commemorates the passing of the last Fiun female. Its pure fire burns eternally and is maintained by the ever vigilant Gaya.

These rituals must be observed to preserve the purity of Lunnum's Pyre.

Seek the Great Frost Tree at 92.1N 42.2W and cut a branch from the tree with the Fiun Hatchet.

Immerse the Ice Log in the Glacial Waters that can only be found in Abayar's Laboratory 92.1N 46.3W.

Place the Purified Ice Log into the Ruschk Fire at 90.1N 51.6W.

Return Smoldering Ice Log to Gaya.

-- Gaya

Notes Edit

Fiun Gaya tells you, "It is for me to welcome you to this place of sadness. I am Fiun Gaya, Keeper of the Light."

Fiun Gaya tells you, "With Lunnum missing my heart is an empty black, still my duty must be fulfilled. My duty, my purpose, is to be sure that the light of Lunnum's Pyre remains bright and pure."

Fiun Gaya tells you, "To my sorrow, the ravages of time have consumed this old one."

Fiun Gaya tells you, "No longer can I make the journey to re-stoke the fire eternal. Respectfully, I ask for your help."

Fiun Gaya tells you, "A Fiun Hatchet, you will need. Retrieve one from this chest."

Fiun Gaya gives you Story of Lunnum's Pyre.

Fiun Gaya tells you, "If you would hear of a dark deed then ask me you must."

Fiun Gaya tells you, "Another favor I might ask. Should a Snow Lily be found, perhaps you may bring it to me?"

Fiun Gaya tells you, "Good journey, friend."