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Sunken Mere
Quests The Moars
Restrictions Level: Any, 20, 40, 60, 80
Tieable: No
Recallable: No
Summonable: No
Coordinates Portal Gem (see The Moars)
Nearest LS N/A
Route Portal Gem (see The Moars)
Map Files: ACMaps Map
Show location on Dereth map

Notes Edit

The dungeon consists of different, only by using the "right" portal gem, level-restricted sections (See map). They are separated by a huge central room with a top to bottom grate, and locked doors.
The doors cannot be picked, but can be opened from the other side, thereby giving access to the higher level sections.
Each section holds a Tome in a burned and ransacked library, which can be turned in for lore and xps at Fanzen San the Translator.

Maps Edit

NPCs Edit

  • None

Creatures Edit

No Level Restrict Edit


20+ Section Edit


40+ Section Edit


60+ Section Edit


80+ Section Edit


Items and Objects Edit

Portals Edit

  • Different portals to different sections of the dungeon, see map.

Images Edit

Click image for full size version.

Update History Edit

Treaties in Stone

  • Dungeon added.