Introduced:  Release
Tailor Najsun
Non-Player Killer
Race Male Gharu'ndim
Title Tailor
Location 31.1S, 14.0E in Al-Arqas
Level 10
Strength 80
Endurance 95
Coordination 90
Quickness 100
Focus 60
Self 50
Health 58
Stamina 105
Mana 60

Notes Edit

Currency Edit

Inventory Edit

Clothing Edit

Lore & Dialog Edit


Tailor Najsun tells you, "Welcome to my shop!"

Buying From

Tailor Najsun tells you, "You have purchased from me? I am grateful!"

Selling To

Tailor Najsun tells you, "Thank you so much for coming by."


Tailor Najsun tells you, "Ah, thank you!"