Retired Dialog Edit

Hermit tells you, "Yes! This is it!"
Hermit carefully collects the Thrungus Dust from your clothes and then suddenly her smile turns to one of sadness.
Hermit tells you, "You deserve to know the truth. It is my belief that this dust will sever my ties to the Life Stones so when next I die I will not be brought back. My heart aches for having to deceive you, but I feared you would not help me had I told you the truth."
Hermit tells you, "But do not despair my friend. For while you were gone I started to have misgivings about my actions. Perhaps death is not the answer I should seek."
Hermit gives you 4 Trade Notes (250,000).
Hermit gives you Thrungus Reaper Certificate.

You've earned 99,000,000 experience.
Hermit gives you Golden Gromnie.
Hermit gives you Thrungus Reaper Certificate.

You've earned 150,000,000 experience.
You've earned 12,000 Luminance.
Hermit gives you Broken Black Marrow Key.
Hermit gives you Broken Black Marrow Key.
Hermit gives you Thrungus Reaper Certificate.

Give back the reaper certificate:
Hermit tells you, "I bestow upon you the title of "Thrungus Reaper"."