Stormy mentioned me in Part 2 of AC: 4 years and counting :) Mythrandia 16:14, 11 August 2012 (EST)

additional quotes Edit

I am attempting to recover some quotes via forum archives. some addition quotes have been found which should also be archived:

Aun and Hea Pronunciations

  • Question about Tumerok pronunciations - Morningstar Jul 1 2002 5:04PM
    • "awn" and "hee-ah" - NT - Stormwaltz Jul 1 2002 6:25PM
      • Always thought it was heya, thanks. - NT - The Sho Man Jul 1 2002 8:27PM
        • That *was* the original intent, but everyone here slurs it, so... - NT - Stormwaltz Jul 2 2002 4:10PM

Are AC2 Tyrants Gromnatross?

From: Clay-Twig
Date: Feb 25 2002 7:48AM
Subject: Picture this: An AC2 "Real" Picture of a gromnitose (sp?) [wiki editor's note, linked article contains image of AC2 Tyrant]

  • That's no gromnietross - Evil Elvis - NL Feb 25 2002 8:11AM
    • Nope, it's not. - NT - Stormwaltz Feb 25 2002 12:07PM

From: Stormwaltz
Date: Feb 25 2002 5:01PM
In Reply To: But, but, but, the Eyes and the Wings and the Legs! (posted by Keth al-Sheth)
Subject: But but but...
The eyes aren't lavender or glowing, the wings aren't manta-shaped, and the legs, um... lots of things have legs. ^_^ (It's also missing the Gromnatross' eel-like bioluminescent tail.)

I can't say more than that, aside to mention that because of these very morphology discrepencies, I quickly made it clear within the office that the beast should never be considered a gromnatross.