Tenassa Armor
Introduced: | Throne of Destiny |
Armor Summary | |
Name: | Tenassa Armor |
Heritage: | Viamontian, tier II |
Coverage: | No Head, Hands, Feet |
AL: | See Loot |
Notes Edit
- For lore information on the three types of Viamontian armor, see The Armor of the Viamontian Invaders.
- The armor consists of a breastplate, sleeves and leggings (Tenassa Breastplate, Tenassa Sleeves, Tenassa Leggings), which respectively cover Chest, Upper Arms and Lower Arms, and Abdomen, Upper Legs, Lower Legs.
- The color palette of the armor consists of 2 or 3 "shaded" colors, see image below.
- Tenassa is available at Viamontian Blacksmiths and Armorers.
- Base material is metal
- When dyeing, the sleeves keep the lower part of the arms, and the legs keep the knee-to-abdomen trim the original (loot) color (see below for dyed variations).
- The dye turns the legs, breastplate and arms into a dark, deep variation and it keeps the shading of the different parts.
- Fail dyeing results in orange.
Quest Tenassa Edit
Loot Tenassa Armor Pieces Edit
- Click image for full size.
Store Bought Tenassa Armor Pieces Edit
Tenassa Sleeves Tenassa Breastplate Tenassa Leggings
Dyed Tenassa Armor Edit
Dyed Tenassa Armor | ||||
Lapyan (Light Blue) |
Colban (Dark Blue) |
Verdalim (Green) |
Minalim (Mint Green) |
Relanim (Purple) |
Thananim (Black) |
Hennacin (Red) |
Argenory (White) |
Berimphur (Yellow) |
Fail-Dyed |
Palettes and dye effects Edit
Dye Effects Edit
- Note that these colors can also be found as Secondary Loot colors
- Note that when dyeing, the BP takes on the dye colour completely, Legs keep their secondary colour, and Sleeves change their main colour, and one of the secondary colors, but keep the other one
ACID | Name | Sample DCS | Chest (2nd) Main | Sleeves (2nd) Main | Sleeves Main | Legs Main | Legs Main | |||||||||||||||||
7423 | Lapyan_Tn | 639396 | 57878A, 3C5C5E | 385758, 4A7174 | 2E4648 | 132020 | 57878A | |||||||||||||||||
7421 | Colban_Tn | 004FAA | 002249, 000814 | 00060C, 001630 | 000000 | 000000 | 002249 | |||||||||||||||||
7417 | Verdalim_Tn | 1F521C | 173716, 080E08 | 060906, 102310 | 000000 | 000000 | 173716 | |||||||||||||||||
7424 | Minalim_Tn | 72A182 | 578968, 3C5D47 | 385741, 4A7358 | 2E4737 | 132016 | 578968 | |||||||||||||||||
7422 | Relanim_Tn | 610088 | 330049, 0F0014 | 08000C, 220030 | 000000 | 000000 | 330049 | |||||||||||||||||
7420 | Thananim_Tn | 151515 | 0B0B0B, 000000 | 000000, 000000 | 000000 | 000000 | 0B0B0B | |||||||||||||||||
7425 | Argenory_Tn | 929292 | AAAAAA, 868686 | 818181, 989898 | 747474 | 535353 | AAAAAA | |||||||||||||||||
7418 | Hennacin_Tn | 731010 | 420909, 130202 | 0C0101, 2B0606 | 000000 | 420909 | 420909 | |||||||||||||||||
7419 | Berimphur_Tn | 635821 | 373110, 0E0D04 | 080702, 231F0B | 000000 | 000000 | 373110 | |||||||||||||||||
7416 | FailOrange_Tn | FE6E12 | E65900, 9E3D00 | 933900, C24B00 | 792F00 | 381500 | E65900 | |||||||||||||||||
The sample is only an approach of how the item looks ingame. See User:Sanddh/Guides/Armor Color Table for other available palettes. |
Palettes found in loot Edit
Note that many of the found Hexes (especially those reverting to 000000) are too dark, and the actual ingame color might be much lighter. The "dyed" colors and the colors below the waist suffer most.
ACID | Old Name | New Name | Sample DCS | Chest 2nd | Chest Main | Sleeves 2nd | Sleeves 2nd | Sleeves Main | Sleeves Main | Legs 2nd | Legs Main | Legs Main | ||||||||||||
7387 | Aqua_TnOK | VesayenAqua_Tn | 30929B | 36A4AE | 257077 | 23696F | 246D74 | 2E8992 | 1C575C | 22686E | 0D2729 | 36A4AE | ||||||||||||
7388 | Aqua_TnOK | VissidalAqua_Tn | 39A6B0 | 2F919A | 1E5D63 | 1C565B | 1D5A60 | 27767E | 164448 | 1B555A | 061415 | 2F919A | ||||||||||||
7389 | Aqua_TnOK | DeepReefAqua_Tn | 2F8D96 | 277880 | 164549 | 143D41 | 154246 | 1F5E64 | 0E2B2E | 133C40 | 000000 | 277880 | ||||||||||||
7390 | Aqua_TnOK | AphusAqua_Tn | 59BEC8 | 21656C | 103235 | 0D2A2D | 0F2F32 | 184B50 | 08181A | 0D292C | 000000 | 21656C | ||||||||||||
7391 | Aqua_TnOK | VaporAqua_Tn | 74CBD3 | 44BBC5 | 2E8B94 | 2C848C | 2D8891 | 37A4AF | 247279 | 2B838B | 164246 | 44BBC5 | ||||||||||||
7392 | Aqua_TnOK | CoralAqua_Tn | 5BC1CC | 56C1CA | 339DA6 | 31969E | 3299A3 | 3CB5C1 | 29848B | 30959D | 1B5458 | 56C1CA | ||||||||||||
7393 | Blue_TnOK | TropicalBlue_Tn | 5FC5CE | 80D0D7 | 49BEC7 | 42BBC5 | 46BBC7 | 65C6CF | 35ADB6 | 40BBC5 | 287D83 | 80D0D7 | ||||||||||||
7394 | Gold_TnOK | BrassGold_Tn | AD883A | 847363 | 6A552B | 594A42 | 5E5035 | |||||||||||||||||
7395 | Grey_TnOK | NickelGrey_Tn | 717171 | 575757 | 414141 | 3E3E3E | 404040 | 4C4C4C | 363636 | 3E3E3E | 303030 | 575757 | ||||||||||||
7396 | Grey_TnOK | FryingPanGrey_Tn | 343434 | 3E3E3E | 282828 | 252525 | 272727 | 333333 | 1D1D1D | 252525 | 171717 | 3E3E3E | ||||||||||||
7397 | Black_TnOK | LampBlack_Tn | 171717 | 2A2A2A | 141414 | 111111 | 131313 | 1F1F1F | 090909 | 111111 | 030303 | 2A2A2A | ||||||||||||
7398 | Black_TnOK | UmbralBlack_Tn | 131313 | 1A1A1A | 040404 | 010101 | 030303 | 0F0F0F | 000000 | 010101 | 000000 | 1A1A1A | ||||||||||||
7399 | Grey_TnOK | WinterGrey_Tn | 8D8D8D | 676767 | 515151 | 4E4E4E | 505050 | 5C5C5C | 464646 | 4E4E4E | 404040 | 676767 | ||||||||||||
7400 | Grey_TnOK | SteelGrey_Tn | 939393 | 737373 | 5D5D5D | 5A5A5A | 5C5C5C | 686868 | 525252 | 5A5A5A | 4C4C4C | 737373 | ||||||||||||
7401 | Grey_TnOK | MediumGrey_Tn | 838383 | 838383 | 6D6D6D | 6A6A6A | 6C6C6C | 787878 | 626262 | 6A6A6A | 5C5C5C | 838383 | ||||||||||||
7402 | Blue_TnOK | ReefBlue_Tn | 5F99B9 | 427FA1 | 2E576E | 2B5267 | 2D556B | 396B87 | 234355 | 2B5065 | 101E26 | 427FA1 | ||||||||||||
7403 | Blue_TnOK | SkyBlue_Tn | 376885 | 396D8B | 244558 | 214051 | 234355 | 2F5971 | 1A313F | 213E4F | 060C10 | 396D8B | ||||||||||||
7404 | Blue_TnOK | GlaucousBlue_Tn | 407897 | 2D576F | 182F3C | 234355 | 0E1B23 | 234355 | 0E1B23 | 152833 | 000000 | 2D576F | ||||||||||||
7405 | Blue_TnOK | KarlunBlue_Tn | 5D93AF | 203E50 | 0B161C | 081115 | 0A1419 | 162A36 | 010303 | 080F14 | 000000 | 203E50 | ||||||||||||
7406 | Blue_TnOK | MorntideBlue_Tn | 4E8EB0 | 4B8FB6 | 376883 | 34637C | 366680 | 427C9C | 2B546A | 34617A | 192F3B | 4B8FB6 | ||||||||||||
7407 | Blue_TnOK | BabyBlue_Tn | 80AECA | 609CBE | 407998 | 3D7491 | 3F7795 | 4B8DB1 | 33657F | 3D728F | 224050 | 609CBE | ||||||||||||
7408 | Blue_TnOK | PeerlessBlue_Tn | 5997BA | 72A7C5 | 4787AA | 4482A3 | 4685A6 | 5B98BA | 3A7391 | 4480A0 | 294E61 | 72A7C5 | ||||||||||||
7409 | Brown_TnOK | CordovanBrown_Tn | 97533A | A2583E | 6E3D2B | 673828 | 6B3A2A | 874B36 | 542D20 | 653828 | 24140F | A2583E | ||||||||||||
7410 | Brown_TnOK | EngorgedBrown_Tn | A05C43 | 864833 | 522D20 | 4B281D | 4F2B1F | 6B3B2B | 381E15 | 49281D | 080403 | 864833 | ||||||||||||
7411 | Brown_TnOK | ArdentBrown_Tn | 98563E | 6D3B29 | 3A1F16 | 331B13 | 371D15 | 532D21 | 1F110B | 311A13 | 000000 | 6D3B29 | ||||||||||||
7412 | Brown_TnOK | Terracotta_Tn | 874C38 | 562E20 | 23130D | 1C0F0A | 20110C | 3D2118 | 080402 | 1A0E0A | 000000 | 562E20 | ||||||||||||
7413 | Brown_TnOK | ClayBrown_Tn | AF6043 | B96547 | 854A34 | 7E4531 | 824633 | 9E583F | 6C3929 | 7C4531 | 3B2118 | B96547 | ||||||||||||
7414 | Pink_TnOK | PiggyPink_Tn | D5A798 | C37C62 | A0593E | 99543B | 9D543D | B7674B | 874733 | 97543B | 563023 | C37C62 | ||||||||||||
7415 | Pink_TnOK | BurntPink_Tn | CA8F7A | D29D8A | BE7357 | BC6C50 | BD6D54 | C78873 | AF5C42 | BA6C4F | 7E4633 | D29D8A | ||||||||||||
7416 | Orange_TnOK | FailOrange_Tn | FE6E12 | E65900 | 933900 | 9A3C00 | 923800 | |||||||||||||||||
7417 | Green_TnOK | Verdalim_Tn | 1F521C | 173716 | 060906 | 070C07 | 060906 | |||||||||||||||||
7418 | Red_TnOK | Hennacin_Tn | 731010 | 420909 | 0C0101 | 0F0202 | 0C0101 | 0F0202 | 080702 | |||||||||||||||
7419 | Gold_TnOK | Berimphur_Tn | 635821 | 373110 | 080702 | 0B0B04 | 080702 | |||||||||||||||||
7420 | Black_TnOK | Thananim_Tn | 151515 | 0B0B0B | 000000 | 000000 | 000000 | |||||||||||||||||
7421 | Blue_TnOK | Colban_Tn | 004FAA | 002249 | 00060C | 000611 | 00060C | |||||||||||||||||
7422 | Purple_TnOK | Relanim_Tn | 610088 | 330049 | 08000C | 0D0011 | 08000C | |||||||||||||||||
7423 | Aqua_TnOK | Lapyan_Tn | 639396 | 57878A | 385758 | 3A5A5C | 375657 | |||||||||||||||||
7424 | Green_TnOK | Minalim_Tn | 72A182 | 578968 | 385741 | 3A5B45 | 375640 | |||||||||||||||||
7425 | Grey_TnOK | Argenory_Tn | 929292 | AAAAAA | 868686 | 818181 | 848484 | 808080 | ||||||||||||||||
7426 | Gold_TnOK | BeachGold_Tn | C7902A | BC8622 | 7F5D18 | 775516 | 7C5817 | 9D701E | 614511 | 755416 | 2A1D08 | BC8622 | ||||||||||||
7427 | Gold_TnOK | IngotGold_Tn | B48323 | 9B6E1C | 5E4511 | 563D10 | 5B4110 | 7C5817 | 402D0B | 543C0F | 090601 | 9B6E1C | ||||||||||||
7428 | Gold_TnOK | HoneyGold_Tn | B58426 | 7E5916 | 41300B | 39290A | 3E2C0B | 5F4411 | 231906 | 372709 | 000000 | 7E5916 | ||||||||||||
7429 | Gold_TnOK | BellGold_Tn | A37622 | 583E0F | 1B1404 | 130E03 | 191104 | 3A290A | 000000 | 110C02 | 000000 | 583E0F | ||||||||||||
7430 | Gold_TnOK | RoyalBullGold_Tn | DCA33D | DCA33A | AE7F20 | A6761E | AB791F | CC9127 | 906719 | A4761E | 593D11 | DCA33A | ||||||||||||
7431 | Gold_TnOK | BeerGold_Tn | DEAC4D | E1B25A | CE9625 | C68D23 | CB8F24 | DAA23E | B07E1E | C48D23 | 795317 | E1B25A | ||||||||||||
7432 | Gold_TnOK | CitrineGold_Tn | C9B75A | D8CC8D | C8B657 | C5B350 | C6B455 | D1C272 | BFAA3C | C5B24E | 8E7F2D | D8CC8D | ||||||||||||
7433 | Green_TnOK | LeafGreen_Tn | 44923D | 49A042 | 336D2E | 30662B | 326A2D | 3F8639 | 275423 | 2F642B | 112510 | 49A042 | ||||||||||||
7434 | Green_TnOK | JungleGreen_Tn | 3A7C34 | 3C8436 | 265122 | 234A1F | 254F21 | 326B2D | 1A3817 | 22491F | 040A04 | 3C8436 | ||||||||||||
7435 | Green_TnOK | PhyntosGreen_Tn | 2F662B | 316C2C | 1B3918 | 173215 | 1A3717 | 275323 | 0F200D | 173115 | 000000 | 316C2C | ||||||||||||
7436 | Green_TnOK | CinghalleGreen_Tn | 3D8138 | 21491D | 0A1609 | 070F06 | 091408 | 163014 | 000000 | 070E06 | 000000 | 21491D | ||||||||||||
7437 | Green_TnOK | FernGreen_Tn | 54AC4D | 5FBA57 | 438F3C | 408839 | 428C3B | 4FA847 | 367631 | 3E8639 | 20461E | 5FBA57 | ||||||||||||
7438 | Green_TnOK | CabbageGreen_Tn | 78C371 | 75C36E | 4DA645 | 4B9F42 | 4DA344 | 5FB857 | 408D3A | 489D42 | 2A5D27 | 75C36E | ||||||||||||
7439 | Green_TnOK | KimchiGreen_Tn | 86CA81 | 8ECE89 | 5FB957 | 5AB750 | 5EB854 | 78C371 | 4CA845 | 56B54F | 367832 | 8ECE89 | ||||||||||||
7440 | Purple_TnOK | OrchidPurple_Tn | 6F4099 | 74429F | 4F2E6C | 492B65 | 4D2C69 | 613985 | 3C2354 | 492B63 | 1B0F24 | 74429F | ||||||||||||
7441 | Purple_TnOK | GentianPurple_Tn | 543073 | 603683 | 3B2251 | 351F4A | 39204D | 4D2D6A | 281738 | 351F48 | 060308 | 603683 | ||||||||||||
7442 | Purple_TnOK | RoyalPurple_Tn | 45285F | 4E2C6B | 291839 | 241532 | 271635 | 3C2352 | 170D20 | 231430 | 000000 | 4E2C6B | ||||||||||||
7443 | Purple_TnOK | IndigoPurple_Tn | 4E2F6B | 341D48 | 100916 | 0B060F | 0D0712 | 23142F | 000000 | 09050D | 000000 | 341D48 | ||||||||||||
7444 | Purple_TnOK | Lavender_Tn | 854FB4 | 834BB4 | 5E3781 | 58347A | 5C357E | 70429A | 4B2C69 | 583478 | 2B1839 | 834BB4 | ||||||||||||
7445 | Purple_TnOK | AuroraPurple_Tn | 844FB4 | 9160BD | 6D4096 | 673D8F | 6B3E93 | 7F4BAF | 5A357E | 673D8D | 3B214E | 9160BD | ||||||||||||
7446 | Purple_TnOK | WisteriaPurple_Tn | A279C7 | A37BC8 | 804BB0 | 7A48A9 | 7E49AE | 9163BC | 6D4099 | 7A48A7 | 4F2C68 | A37BC8 | ||||||||||||
7447 | Red_TnOK | HostileRed_Tn | C52323 | BD2222 | 821717 | 7A1515 | 7D1616 | 7A1515 | 7D1616 | 781515 | 2A0707 | BD2222 | ||||||||||||
7448 | Red_TnOK | WoundRed_Tn | D62C2C | 9C1C1C | 611111 | 590F0F | 5C1010 | 801616 | 430B0B | 570F0F | 090101 | 9C1C1C | ||||||||||||
7449 | Red_TnOK | BelligerentRed_Tn | CA2424 | 7B1616 | 400B0B | 380909 | 3B0A0A | 5F1010 | 220505 | 360909 | 000000 | 7B1616 | ||||||||||||
7450 | Red_TnOK | BloodRed_Tn | 981A1A | 4D0D0D | 120303 | 090101 | 0D0202 | 300808 | 000000 | 070101 | 000000 | 4D0D0D | ||||||||||||
7451 | Red_TnOK | FreshkillRed_Tn | DA3C3C | D92B2B | A21C1C | 9A1A1A | 9D1B1B | C12121 | 841616 | 981A1A | 4A0C0C | D92B2B | ||||||||||||
7452 | Pink_TnOK | AmaranthPink_Tn | DE4444 | DE4747 | BE2020 | B61E1E | B91F1F | DB2828 | A01A1A | B41E1E | 661010 | DE4747 | ||||||||||||
7453 | Pink_TnOK | SalmonPink_Tn | DC4141 | E98686 | DD4A4A | DC4343 | DD4646 | E36A6A | D82D2D | DC3F3F | A31E1E | E98686 | ||||||||||||
7454 | GldBrnGry_TnTri | BeechBrown_Tn | AB7C47 | 847363 | 5D4A42 | 6A552B | 594A42 | 946530 | 3A3A42 | 5E5035 | 191921 | 737373 | ||||||||||||
7455 | BlkBrnGld_TnTri | Nightbeach_TnTr | D5AF5E | 6B5D50 | 43352F | 4B3C1E | 40352F | 734E25 | 25252A | 423825 | 060608 | 5D5D5D | ||||||||||||
7456 | GryGldBrn_TnTri | FootmanBrown_TnTr | 757575 | 594D42 | 302622 | 352A15 | 2E2621 | 5B3E1D | 161619 | 2E2719 | 000000 | 4D4D4D | ||||||||||||
7457 | BlkBrnGld_TnTri | InvaderGrey_TnTr | 202020 | 423931 | 191412 | 19140A | 171310 | 3D2A13 | 040404 | 15110B | 000000 | 393939 | ||||||||||||
7458 | GryGldBrn_TnTri | WinterSunset_TnTr | A5A5A5 | 988675 | 735B51 | 856A36 | 6F5C52 | B07839 | 4B4B56 | 766442 | 292936 | 868686 | ||||||||||||
7459 | GryBrnGld_TnTri | FrozenSoil_TnTr | BBBBBB | AFA093 | 927367 | AB8845 | 8D7568 | C89255 | 646472 | 988155 | 404054 | A0A0A0 | ||||||||||||
7460 | GryBrnGld_TnOK | GreyGold_Tn | F2F2F2 | C7BCB3 | AA9086 | C1A266 | A69186 | D5AD7F | 7F7F8F | B19C73 | 585873 | BCBCBC | ||||||||||||
The sample is only an approach of how the item looks ingame. See User:Sanddh/Guides/Armor Color Table for other available palettes. |