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Volume V: New Arrivals (-540 to 13)

By A Learned Sage


Isparian: Gharun'dim
Isparian Year: 924
Gharu'n armies push toward the Roulean capital of Tirethas, the City of Lore. The Rouleans were once a mighty empire but they grew complacent and were unable to stop the invading Gharu'ndim. The encamped armies prepare to destroy the city, but are stopped through the actions of Yasif ibn Salayyar, a man who can't bear the thought of destroying the ancient city's works and lore. To prevent this destruction, he kills Rakhil al-Khur, the leader of the invading Gharu'n armies. Strangely, instead of executing him on the spot, the Gharu'n armies honor him and the invasion of Roulea ends. Later generations say that it is because the slain leader was more feared than loved by his men. Yasif would later write a work which philosophers would subsequently distill down to a set of principles called "The Dozen Roads" that would go on to guide Gharu'n society for centuries to come.


Isparian: Sho
Isparian Year: 1046
The Emperor Kou manages to bring all the Sho lands under his rule through conquest and marriage.


The first Virindi expedition appears on Dereth. A conflict promptly breaks out between the Virindi and Asheron. Asheron eventually defeats the Virindi, although at a great cost to himself. Their loss comes as such a total surprise to the Virindi that they completely vacate the planet. This conflict accelerates the effects of the Sundering and more portals leading to Dereth appear on other worlds.


Tumeroks of the Hea and Aun tribes begin appearing on Marae Lassel. Other creatures have been stumbling through the portals, but the Tumeroks come deliberately in the belief that they are needed to help defend the legendary world spoken of by their ancestors from Wharu, the spirit of decay. The Olthoi Queen on the island tries to enslave them but finds them too difficult to control. While Tumeroks appear only on Marae Lassel, other creatures from their home world such as Banderlings, Mosswarts and Drudges appear through out Dereth.


The portals created by the Sundering appear on Ispar in the Aluvian lands and the first curious humans begin to arrive on Dereth. The Olthoi quickly enslave them.


A few escaped Isparian slaves stumble across a barely functioning portal leading to the Vesayen Islands. They establish the town of Kryst, but differences divide them and some leave to found the town of MacNiall's Freehold.


A larger expeditionary Virindi force appears in the center of the Obsidian Plains. They begin establishing facilities in the Direlands.


Thorsten Cragstone arrives on Dereth.


The Tumeroks discover that their drumming resonates through the Menhir Rings scattered throughout their island home and this sound drives the Olthoi underground. Their bravest warriors, led by Aun Harelaua, later known as Aun Hareltah, infiltrate the Royal Hive of Marae Lassel and slay the Queen found there. Their continued drumming keeps one of the larval Queens from developing.

Elysa Strathelar arrives on Dereth.


Thorsten Cragstone escapes and forms a small band of resistance against the Olthoi. Six months later, Elysa escapes and is found by Cragstone and his men.


Cragstone's forces, pursued by Olthoi, make their way to the Isle of Tears, where they discover the Underground City. This quickly becomes their home and base from which to launch attacks against the Olthoi.

The defeat of the Olthoi Queen on Marae Lassel comes to the attention of the Virindi. They promise to give the Tumeroks exceptional powers and abilities, provided the Tumeroks agree to modify their bodies to appear more like humans. The Hea and Aun Tribal Elders refuse, horrified by this offer, but an adolescent outcast named Hea Aranpuh agrees.


The Virindi-modified Hea Aranpuh returns to Timaru and begins attracting other adolescents to his side. He challenges the Hea chief, defeats him in combat and takes the name Arantah. Seeing Arantah's power, more Tumeroks volunteer for modification and a schism develops between the Aun and Hea tribes. Members of the Hea defect to the Aun tribe, while other members of the Aun tribe are tempted by the promise of power and join the Hea.


While exploring ruins near the Underground City, Elysa triggers an Empyrean artifact that brings her to Asheron's notice. Asheron, whose attention has been focused elsewhere, is shocked that intelligent beings have begun appearing on Dereth and transports Elysa into his presence. She tells him what has happened to her people under the dominion of the Olthoi. Asheron provides her with details about the Olthoi's weaknesses, explaining that the scent of the dead Queen will throw the other Olthoi into disarray and leave them mindless.

To help her defeat the Queen, Asheron provides her with an alchemical potion based upon the work of his father. With this potion in hand, Thorsten and Elysa plan their assault on the One Queen.

Aun Tanua approaches the Hea in hopes of bringing them back to traditional ways. He nearly defeats Hea Arantah in combat, but Arantah calls upon the Virindi in the moment before his defeat. Aun Tanua is taken captive by the Virindi and held along with other experimental subjects.


Disguising themselves with the scent of a Brood Noble, a small band of warriors led by Thorsten Cragstone and Elysa Strathelar infiltrate the Royal Hive of the One Queen and slay her. In the moments before the Olthoi Queen's death, Thorsten Cragstone is killed. Joyous Aluvians slay the confused Olthoi and declare the founding of a New Aluvia with Elysa Strathelar as their Queen. Construction begins on the town of Cragstone, followed by Holtburg.

Trying to prevent the unnatural death of anyone else on Dereth, Asheron enchants the binding stones once used by his people's portal network and creates the Lifestones. At first they do not work correctly; instead of resurrecting the person to life, the corpse is simply reanimated. However, Asheron rectifies this and also attempts to close the portals appearing on other worlds. Although something prevents him from doing this, he is able to modify the portals slightly so that they only appear to those powerful or curious enough to enter them. The Call begins.

Gharun'dim and Sho travelers begin arriving.

Borelean, son of Thorsten Cragstone and Elysa Strathelar, is born.

The Virindi begin opening portals for the Hea Tumeroks to use in colonizing the Dereth mainland. These Tumeroks establish forts and set up other defensive structures in the Direlands.


The adventurer Lilitha makes her way to Marae Lassel and is ambushed in her sleep by the Hea Tumerok. Temenua turns her over to the Virindi and since she is their first Isparian captive, they begin experimenting on her, repeatedly removing and reattaching various parts of her body.


Elysa Strathelar accepts Asheron's offer and lives in his castle off the coast of Eastham, disappearing from the daily life of most Isparians. She still maintains contact with the people of Dereth through her Council.


The town of Holtburg is overrun by Tumeroks. Celcynd, the first Isparian mage to master planar magics, casts a portal to evacuate the children of the town but is unable to cast another to evacuate their parents. Many of the adults are killed, never to resurrect, since they have never used a Lifestone. Blaming himself for a creating a generation of orphans, Celcynd looses himself in alcohol to temporarily blot out the guilt he feels.


Rithwic is founded.


The Gelidite's incantations on the Great Work, begun hundreds of years before, are complete and the world begins to cool. Soon after, Sir Joffre Tremblant stumbles across the underground city of Frore and is slain by the Gelidites. The Gelidites are able to prevent him from resurrecting at his Lifestone and so transform him into an undead minion.

Sir Joffre's lover, Lady Tallial of Neydisa, becomes worried and sends out an urgent call for all to try to find him. Explorers following his trail find the underground city. The Gelidite defenses eventually fall before the invading Isparians and the Great Work is destroyed. Warmth begins to return to the land, but the trap holding Bael'Zharon is weakened.


The process of crafting Atlan weapons is rediscovered, while stones are found in ancient vaults which imbue these pyreal weapons with magical abilities. In the crater of Mount Esper, Silencia appears with a tame magma golem to help in forging these weapons.

Throughout the land a dark presence begins testing monarchs for an unknown purpose. Only two monarchs complete the test successfully, receiving a Shadow Stone to imbue their Atlan weapons. They are given the title of "Dark Master".

The Obsidian Span, an ancient Empyrean bridge that had long been magically shielded from view, appears over the River Prosper.

Shadow Spires, referred to as "Thorns of the Hopeslayer" in ancient texts, erupt from the ground near several Isparian towns. Soon after this event, townspeople are abducted and subjected to a battery of questions regarding events in the world.

Led by aspects of the Shadow generals Ler Rhan and Black Ferah, Shadow forces invade various Isparian towns. At the climax of these assaults, Isparians find pieces to keys for a Yalaini facility called the Nexus. Another Shard of the Crystal Array is found deep in the bowels of this ancient laboratory. Fearing that Bael'Zharon is insane and will bring about the destruction of the world, forces loyal to the Shadow General Isin Dule guard this crystal from destruction. Unaware of these facts, Isparians are manipulated into destroying the Shard, further weakening the trap holding Bael'Zharon.

The town of Ayan Baqur is founded.

Emissaries from Lady Aerfalle of Aerlinthe Island appear in the Direlands, seeking to gain the support of other undead factions to prevent Bael'Zharon from being released. Since they need funds to help convince the undead to join in this fight, they offer to cast portals to Aerlinthe Island for a price.

In the mountains of southern Osteth, Lugian miners discover veins of the magically inert ore Chorizite, which they use to fashion powerful weapons. Items constructed from this ore are called "hollow" due to their ability to resist and cut through magical enchantments.

The Shadow forces strike out and destroy the Isparian towns of Tufa and Arwic, but the town of Cragstone is saved by the intervention of Asheron and Queen Elysa. Deep below the ruins of Tufa, a shattered Menhir Ring is found which is surrounded by a corrosive black mist. Soon after, portals open to the Vaults containing three of the four remaining Crystal Shards. Forces loyal to Bael'Zharon struggle to destroy these Shards but are held off by the undead forces which rallied to defend them. For a variety of reasons, Isparians infiltrate these Vaults and destroy the shards.

The titanic Lugian city of Linvak Tukal is completed high in the Linvak Mountains by Lord Kresovus' clan, which had risen to become the most powerful Lugian clan in the years following their arrival on Dereth. Seeing the power of this clan, the Virindi approach Kresovus with an offer of vast power in exchange for Chorizite to use in their experiments. But Kresovus refuses and proposes to the council of clans that an agreement be reached with the Isparians to resist any Virindi efforts to seize the mines. Some of the clans violently disagree, the most vocal of which are the clans responsible for the mines, since they have borne the brunt of Isparian Chorizite raids. The Virindi approach these rebel clans and suggest that, in exchange for Chorizite, they will provide the rebels with a means to overthrow Lord Kresovus. These clans agree and establish a siege camp around Linvak Tukal, waiting for their Virindi allies to provide the means to breech the city's defenses.

Using the Chorizite provided by the Lugians, the Virindi establish new laboratories for the construction of Hollow Minions, constructs infused with Chorizite. In another part of the land, Sir Mikael Alayne betrays his friend Candeth Martine and hands him over to the Virindi, in the belief that they will use his friend to create a force to oppose Bael'Zharon.

In the deserts of Dereth, the ruins of an underground garrison and library are uncovered and extensive Empyrean texts are found therein.

The final Crystal Shard is discovered by the Undead deep below the ruins of Ithaenc Cathedral. The Undead struggle to defend this location but their forces are infiltrated by Shadows. Not realizing what is at stake, Isparians break through the Undead lines and kill Anadil, the general of the Undead forces. Using his last strength, Anadil asks the Isparians to defend the Shard. Finally understanding that they are to blame for the doom hanging over the world, many rise to the Shard's defense, while other Isparians swear to destroy it. Held at bay by the Isparian defenders, the forces of Shadow call upon their two Dark Masters. With the misguided Isparians at their side, the Shadows defeat the defenders and destroy the final Shard. Bael'Zharon is once more unleashed upon the world.

With Bael'Zharon let loose on the world, Asheron appears in Isparian towns in an attempt to keep him at bay. After a series of confrontations between them, Asherson's Emissaries appear near the towns of Cragstone, Zaikhal and Hebian-to and inform the people there that he has need for certain artifacts to use in incantations to weaken Bael'Zharon. Once weakened, Bael'Zharon's physical form can be destroyed. As Asheron casts the spell, hundreds of Isparians pour into a portal to the Hopeslayer's sanctum, defeating Bael'Zharon and banishing his spirit to the black realm of the Nameless.


The creature that was once Candeth Martine escapes from his Virindi masters and begins making his presence known in Dereth. One of his first actions is to "thank" his friend Sir Alayne for betraying him.

Far to the south of Dereth, the training academy for the Empyrean Order of Hieromancers is founded and Isparian mages begin taking the trials there to prove their worth as war mages.

Some Virindi begin to show signs of being corrupted by individuality, breaking away from the Virindi group mind referred to as the Quiddity.

Due to heavy losses incurred by their defense of the Crystal Shards, the Undead fear that their race may be facing its end. In an attempt to save their history, they distribute Mnemosynes, devices that can record their memories.

Individuality continues to taint the Virindi, causing one group to lead an invasion of Ayan Baqur, kidnapping the original inhabits. Virindi Executors, loyal to the Quiddity, start to appear on the fringes of the town to keep watch on the rebel activity inside. Soon after, the original inhabitants of Ayan Baqur are found, held captive in a complex to the east of the town.

After months of delay, the Virindi allies of the rebel Lugian Raiders provide the means to breech Linvak Tukal's defenses. In a series of pitched battles, Lord Kresovus' clan and other allied clans hold off the rebel attacks. However, one rebel raiding party is able to break through the city's defenses long enough to steal sacred artifacts brought from Tuu.

Isparians travelers who brave the rebel picket lines to enter Linvak Tukal are welcomed to the town by Lord Kresovus. Those Isparians who wish to help the besieged Lugians are told of the missing artifacts and eventually are able to retrieve them from the rebel encampments scattered throughout the southern mountains.

More Virindi laboratories are discoverd and details found within indicate the corrupted Virindi hope to establish a New Singularity in Dereth. If completed, this New Singularity could destroy all other life on Dereth.

Displaced Quiddity Ingots, a form of solidified Virindi energy that can be crafted into powerful artifacts, fall into the hands of Isparians. Virindi loyalists bring in more forces to counter the rebels and open the way to an island the rebels call the Singularity Caul. It is from this island that the rebels hope to establish their New Singularity. As the conflict escalates, loyalist and rebel diplomats try to reach a peaceful solution, but when this effort is interrupted by Isparians, all hopes of ending the conflict peacefully are dashed.

The rebel Virindi forces assault the Isparian towns of Cragstone, Zaikhal, and Hebian-to, but the towns are able to defend themselves against this attack.

As the New Singularity nears completion, a Virindi Director sees the folly of the rebel's course and defects, warning the Isparians and providing details on how it can be destroyed. After they collect the necessary components, the Director summons a portal to a location deep below the Singularity Caul, where they find and destroy the fledgling Singularity. With this loss, the rebel Virindi are taken back into the Quiddity, where they either lose their corrupting individuality or are destroyed.

Following on the heels of the defeat of the rebel Virindi, the insane Martine begins opening static portals to Marae Lassel for Isparians near their towns. Isparians who use them encounter the Aun Tumeroks, who are completely unlike the more familiar Hea Tumeroks. A few Isparians, inadvertently at first but later intentionally, sabotage the Menhir Rings used by the Aun Tumeroks against the Olthoi. The destruction of the Rings allows a new Olthoi Queen to grow in the deepest hives under the island. Following the Aun Tumerok's direction, Isparian warriors are able to infiltrate this hive and slay the newborn Queen.

The shock of finding another Olthoi Queen brings High Queen Elysa Strathelar fully out of seclusion and makes her presence known to her people.

The Arcanum opens the first houses which may be purchase by Isparians. The Head Mistress of the Arcanum, Nuhmudira, hopes these homes and the magics around them will provide safe havens for Isparians in a future war with returning Empyreans. However, not everyone believes the Empyreans will return, let alone attack the Isparians.

Since Asheron's alteration of the portals from Ispar, new arrivals have been appearing in any one of nine towns. For many years Isparians have referred to them as the Nexus towns. Now, for reasons unknown, Martine's forces strike out at these towns, destroying the arrival points for six of them, which causes Isparians who fall through the portals on Ispar to only appear at one of the three remaining towns. The Queen's Guards build fortifications and garrisons at these towns in the hopes of warding off future attacks.


The Queen's Guards thwart a plot to assassinate the Queen's son, Borelean. Seeing Empyreans behind Martine's attack on the Nexus towns, Nuhmudira takes drastic steps to prepare her people for war, performing dark rites that require the sacrifice of human life.

The Aun Tumeroks establish their first homesteads on mainland of Dereth and enlist the help of Isparians in attempting to rescue Aun Tanua from Virindi captivity. Aun Aulakhe casts a portal to a Virindi facility in portalspace where he believes Aun Tanua may be held. In their search of the facility, the Isparians come across the long-time captive Lilitha and two Empyreans taken by the Virindi years before. Unable to find any way to free them, they continue their search for Aun Tanua. They eventually find him deep in the facility but once again are unable to find any way to release him. However, before they had entered the facility, they had been given an ember from the tribal council fire which contained magic that, once given to the captive Aun Tanua, allows his spirit to be with his people once more.

Enormous underground Empyrean ruins are uncovered near the four magical essences that have been responsible for teaching Isparians higher-level magics. Each ruin seems dedicated to one form of element and filled with Elemental creatures. The purpose of these ruins cannot be immediately discerned.

Nuhmudira disappears and those who search her mansion looking for clues to her whereabouts are horrified to find a secret chamber where she had been conducting sacrificial rites.

Strange laboratories created by Martine's minions are set up in the Direlands. Within, Elementals - creatures expressing opposing forces such as Fire and Ice - are found.

After a month of searching, Nuhmudira is found strapped to an ancient judgment device. Unable to free her, the Isparians use the device as it was intended, allowing it to decide whether to spare her life or condemn her to death for her actions.

After months of rumors and secret movements of his forces, Martine appears in various locations throughout Dereth. Occasionally he requests help, while at other times he destroys all who cross his path. No apparent reason can be found for his visits, although his ramblings indicate he has developed an irrational love for Queen Elysa, occasionally confusing her with the wife he left behind on Ispar.

Trying to rekindle hope in the hearts of her people, High Queen Elysa decides to hold five ceremonies at several Festival Stones found throughout Dereth. She is only able to complete two of the ceremonies, however; the remaining ceremonies are interrupted. At the final ceremony, the deranged Martine unleashes a spell meant to mortally wound Asheron. After this horrific act, Gaerlan appears at the Festival Stone and congratulates Martine, but will not allow him to finish Asheron, desiring the kill for himself. Gaerlan reveals that Martine's spells linking Dereth to Marae Lassel somehow freed him from portalspace months before. Since his return, he has been manipulating Martine and Nuhmudira to work toward his revenge against Asheron, whom he now means to kill to avenge the death of his brother Delacim centuries before. Led by their Queen, the Isparians who were in attendance at the ceremony attack Gaerlan. While they are unable to do much damage to him, the battle lasts just long enough for Elysa to cast a portal spell that recalls both her and Asheron to the safety of his castle.

Using the last of his fading strength, Asheron protects his castle from Gaerlan. Martine is driven into a catatonic state by the revelation that Gaerlan has been manipulating him. With all those who could oppose him swept aside, Gaerlan focuses his attention on the "elemental cisterns" (the name given the facilities discovered near the magical essences months before). Weeks prior to the attack on Asheron, an explosion had wracked each cistern as the energies they were gathering overflowed. Gaerlan now begins drawing these energies into his citadel, preparing to obliterate the taint Asheron's portals have brought to Dereth.