Torgrym glares over his orb at [Player Name]. "Come on, foight like a man. Been whackin' on those dumb local critters too long, eh? No challenge in 'em, I say."
Torgrym glares over his orb at [Player Name]. "Ya precious great pansy ... wossamatta, been sittin' down in Black Spawn Den too long? Do the sun hurt yer eyes?"
Torgrym glares over his orb at [Player Name]. "Loik the Tumies say, mate, 'zhtufu ah gahrede.' That means 'silence, loser, or meet me outside.' Er... kinda, anyway."
On death:
As he begins his journey back to the lifestone, Torgrym is heard to mutter, "Damn. Bloke must use that Virindi thing... whassit... that funny gear stuff. I'm too... elite... for this..."