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Is it true that Asheron's Call is only an 18 month story?

Asked: 2000.11.22
Name: Elphin
Question Title: Is it true that Asheron's Call is only an 18 month story?
Category: Backstory
Question: There are a LOT of new MMORPGs being announced and a lot of AC players are talking about these new titles. I remember reading somewhere that AC is an "18 month story curve". In light of the growing boom of competition isn't it about time we start talking about our future in Dereth? What happens at the end of the story? Does it recycle and start back at the beginning? Will we move on? We need hints quick before we all start trickling away to newer games. Thank you guys.

Answered: 2000.11.22
Name: Stormwaltz
Answer: The "18 month story arc" that has been widely reported actually refers to the duration of our original AC support contract with MS. This has already been extended indefinitely, so there's no reason to worry about the game being "frozen" next April.

There are plenty of stories in Dereth besides the current Shadow War. It constantly amazes me that anyone could think that we're a one-trick pony, and that all plot and dynamic content will come to an end once BZ is defeated. The next plot arc has already been sketched out, and will be (IMO) far more interesting than the current one.