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Re: Any chance we'll start seeing AC novels?

Asked: 2000.11.25
Name: That Darn Tumerok
Question Title: Re: Any chance we'll start seeing AC novels?
Category: Backstory
Question: Actually, MS is publishing Crimson Skies, and there will be a board game (http://www.crimsonskies.com/boardgame/index.htm), and I think even a novel. Well, an online novel i think. I know they publish "Radio Shows" in .mp3 for download, which tie into the game. http://www.crimsonskies.com.

I don't see why they couldn't with AC.

Answered: 2000.11.28
Name: Stormwaltz
Answer: Crimson Skies was originally a board game published by FASA. As with the Battletech franchise, the novel tie-ins are to the original FASA board game, not the MS-published computer conversion.