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Asked: 2000.12.21
Name: Jozu
Question Title: How tall were the Empyreans?
Category: Backstory
Question: How tall were the Empyreans? The structures they have left behind suggest that they were very close to the same height as Isparians. The size of doors, hallways, and particularly furniture (thrones, couches, and the furniture in the Floating City) seem to me to suggest that they were no taller than the Isparians. However, now that Asheron has been sighted in person, he is significantly taller than an Isparian. Please "edumacate me."



Answered: 2000.12.22
Name: Stormwaltz
Answer: Most Empyrean ranged in height from about 6.5' to 8.5'.

Apologies to those of you who more sensibly use the metric system; I don't know how to convert from our backwards American way of measuring.