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Where do you get your ideas?

Asked: 2001.04.28
Name: Chin-Wa
Question Title: Where do you get your ideas?
Category: Backstory
Question: I'm particularly interested in where the ideas for the monsters came from. Was there someone's old table-top RPG that had lugians, grommies and olthoi in it? Was there any inspiration from other sources? Were all the creatures and heritages created just for AC, or was there a previous story someone brought to the project?

Answered: 2001.04.29
Name: Jason Booth
Answer: Inspiration comes from all over the place. The olthoi actually exist, as an insect in the basement of John's house where the company was started. We were so grossed out by it we decided to model it.

However, most creatures didn't have as direct a mapping, and started as a need for a certain form or funtion within the gameworld. Sometimes a designer will come up with an idea which an artist will sketch into existance, or sometimes an artist will create a sketch that sparks an idea. Almost all the best things that happen here happen in colaboration with each other.