Turbine Games Q&A/Combat/Q-26
Original Link (now dead) - http://www.turbinegames.com/qa/view_questions.html?id=2474
What is "slashing/piercing" damage?
Asked: | 2000.11.17 |
Name: | Vornum |
Question Title: | What is "slashing/piercing" damage? |
Category: | Combat |
Question: | With the new patch, there seems to be a new type of damage introduced: slashing/piercing damage. I am not talking about katars and the like that do slashing damage at one end of the bar, and piercing damage at the other. Last night, one of the island armoredillos laid into me for "107 points of slashing/piercing damage". As far as I know, I don't have *any* "slashing/piercing" armor, which is why he is able to maul me in a big hurry. Is there any armor that protects from slashing/piercing? Is there a new Item spell, Slashing/Peircing Bane? Are there weapons out there capable of doing slashing/piercing damage? Or is this a bug? |
Answered: | 2000.11.17 |
Name: | Stormwaltz |
Answer: | It's a bug we've acknowledged on several occasions. It will be fixed in December. In the meantime use Armor Self, Impen, and be careful. |