Turbine Games Q&A/Combat/Q-33
Original Link (now dead) - http://www.turbinegames.com/qa/view_questions.html?id=6619
Does a minimum power katar high swing slash or pierce??
Asked: | 2001.02.21 |
Name: | Chiun |
Question Title: | Does a minimum power katar high swing slash or pierce?? |
Category: | Combat |
Question: | Howdy. I haven't seen this question before, but it is something I've been wondering for a long time. For katars (UA weapon doing pierce/slash), at min power/max speed for low attacks, it does pierce damage according to text messages. High attacks at min power, it reads as doing slash. Is this true? Does a katar attack at low power and high elevation do slash? The animation looks like it does slash, but no one I have asked really knows. This is useful to know for things like shadows and high level drudges (neckode vs katar use for instance). Thanks, and keep up the great game! |
Answered: | 2001.03.09 |
Name: | Eric Heimburg |
Answer: | Yes, it does appear to slash. I don't know if this is on purpose or not. I will add it to the bug database, and if it is a bug, it'll get fixed. |