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RE: Defensive Properties of One's Skin

Asked: 2001.03.18
Name: Nikademus II
Question Title: RE: Defensive Properties of One's Skin
Category: Combat
Question: Hello,
Thanks for the chart on the AL of characters' skin. I have a follow-up to that question.
Do you have to have the Armor Self (VI,ect) spell on you for the other protection spells to work?
Example, if you put on Fire Protection pants & a Cold Protection Shirt and your only Armor Self item is a shirt, leaving you without Armor Self, is that a waste? Theoretically your skin's AL would still be Zero, but your resistance to fire and cold would be increased from below avg. to a higher value...however, with an AL of Zero it wouldnt make any difference.
Thanks in advance! Sorry for the rambling question, but I think I made myself clear enough. =)

Answered: 2001.03.28
Name: Eric
Answer: Well, there are two sets of numbers at play here, and it can get a little complicated. But I'll give it a shot...

Your Natural Armor level is zero. So yes, in order for your natural armor attributes (described in the previous Q&A; page) to have any meaning, you need to cast Armor Self on yourself.

Spells like Fire Protection and Cold Protection don't affect your natural armor; they affect another, special set of Resistance Values that work in a different way. You don't need to cast Armor Self on yourself to take advantage of Fire Protection.

(Another detail: natural armor, like all armor, is bypassed by war magic. But the special Resistances used by Fire Protection etc. don't change your natural armor; they use a separate set of values that DO protect you from war spells, as well as from physical attacks.)