Turbine Games Q&A/Dungeons/Q-23
Original Link (now dead) - http://www.turbinegames.com/qa/view_questions.html?id=2595
Can Dereth become too big?
Asked: | 2000.11.20 |
Name: | Guthwulf, HG |
Question Title: | Can Dereth become too big? |
Category: | Dungeons |
Question: | Since the surface is one size only, I won't ask about that, however, due to the landblock ussage, will you ever run out of virtual 3D space in Dereth? As I remember, landblock IDs are 8 hex digits, are we anywhere near having used up all 4294967296 landblocks? Will a time ever come when you'll have to say "(ch)Arwic and Cragstone can share their allegiance halls, and 2 Lugian cits need to go to make room for this months event dungeons"? |
Answered: | 2000.11.20 |
Name: | Sean. |
Answer: | While it's theoretically possible to expand past Dereth's size, it is a HUGE HUGE HUGE space. It would take some time to expend the free space in Dereth. With so many under-populated areas (deserts, etc.) and all that water, there is plenty of space for our foreseeable needs. Sean. |