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Can you clarify the mechanics of the portals in the Floating City?

Asked: 2001.05.08
Name: El Harko
Question Title: Can you clarify the mechanics of the portals in the Floating City?
Category: Dungeons
Question: The title says it all but to expand slightly. I think the "lore" and "accepted" answer is that all portals in the FLoating City are random and get reset with every server reboot. Is this correct?
If so, is there a mechanism to make them reset more frequently? without the need for a reboot?
Nothing is more frustrating then getting stuck in a loop between 2 floors & not being able to get to the rest for a full month.

El Harco

Answered: 2001.05.08
Name: devilmouse
Answer: The portals in the city are random and will reset whenever the dungeon is unloaded from server memory. This takes appoximately 15-30 minutes of the dungeon being empty.

If you're currently caught in a loop, either logoff for 30 minutes or call for in-game help.