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We cant everybody edit the item's message ?

Asked: 2001.05.07
Name: Lorient
Question Title: We cant everybody edit the item's message ?
Category: Items
Question: Can you tell us the rational behind this ? Its just annoying not to be able to remove other people's message who are sometime really stupid !

Suggestion : let the owner edit them please.

Answered: 2001.05.07
Name: Eric
Answer: No. Inscriptions are one of the few types of "permanence" in the AC universe, and I don't want to see that go away just because you don't like how people use it.

If you want to inscribe items and give them to your vassal, your vassal shouldn't just be able to rub the inscription off. If you want to inscribe "this is crap" or put your own annoying guild message on every item that you are selling to the store, so be it. More power to you.