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Possibility of elemantal looking Wands/Staves/Orbs

Asked: 2000.11.08
Name: Jayna
Question Title: Possibility of elemantal looking Wands/Staves/Orbs
Category: Items
Question: Is it possible for a piece of spellcasting paraphernalia (for instance: braniths staff) to have fire partical effects similar to a flaming weapon? i'm just curious, as i think it'd look really neat.

Answered: 2000.11.08
Name: Sean.
Answer: Yes, it is possible. The main reason we haven't done it so far is that there is a wide variety of them, and we just haven't given it high enough priority to take precedence over much of the content that we have been doing lately.

Like it makes sense for a sword to have a flame particle if it does flame damage, but it would make no sense for a wand to have the same effect, so we would have to come up with new cool effects to fit onto wands that would really be simply aesthetic.

But yes, something I want to do, personally.
