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can you put chests in all wilderness houses?

Asked: 2000.11.11
Name: opm
Question Title: can you put chests in all wilderness houses?
Category: Landscape
Question: all across dereth there are wilderness houses/towers/castles that have a nearby lifestone. How about putting a chest in all of these to help facilitate muling and leaving goodies for lower level people? That way we can have some sort of allegiance housing :)))

Of course it isnt as private or as secure as some people may want... but it might function as a long term "quick fix" (can we say oxymoron?) until true housing gets implemented :)))

thanks for your time

Answered: 2000.11.14
Name: Sean.
Answer: It's really pointless. The items in the chest would simply get cleaned up as if you dropped them on the ground.

Those chests aren't persistent.
