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WIll you provide the ability to Untie Portal?

Asked: 2000.11.03
Name: El Harko
Question Title: WIll you provide the ability to Untie Portal?
Category: Magic
Question: Heyya - a 4 part question(but very focused - conforms to GL3)
1. Is it a planned & accepted benefit that characters who did not learn portal tie can recall through an untieable/unsummonable portal?
2. If it is - could you please throw some lore notes around Dereth to inform newbies of the fact? or something?
3. If it isn't - is it in RAID to repair?
4. Since it's an undocumented & quite powerful feature - would you consider giving everyone the ONE TIME option of moving their tie?

That's about all I got to say on subject - TY

Answered: 2000.11.03
Name: devilmouse
Answer: 1. Planned: no. Accepted: Partially, though it is probably going to be fixed.
2. See above.
3. See above.
4. No. Once you've tied, you've lost the luxury. Sorry.