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Are we ever going to see : Summon Creature magic?

Asked: 2000.11.07
Name: Antikas
Question Title: Are we ever going to see : Summon Creature magic?
Category: Magic
Question: Is there anything in the pipeline which will allow us to summon a creature to do our bidding until it dies or times out. This could be another school of magic, or linked in with Item magic. I think alot of people would like to see this.


Answered: 2000.11.09
Name: Stormwaltz
Answer: No, I'm afraid this will probably never happen in AC. It's way too big a coding task.

We might be able to make a summon spell (it would still be new code, which is always unlikely), but making what you summoned friendly to you, let alone follow your commands, would require several months of AI work.