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Has summon portal been nerfed?

Asked: 2000.11.07
Name: jigoro kano of leafcull
Question Title: Has summon portal been nerfed?
Category: Magic
Question: I used to be able to move junior characters around with a portal summoned by my main, who would summon & log, the junior would come in and portal.

I can no longer do this... The portal never lasts long enough to be more than glimpsed by the junior character.

A friend confirms he is having the same problem.

Question: Is this the intentional effect of a change by Turbine? Or something else?

Answered: 2000.11.07
Name: Stormwaltz
Answer: No change has been made to Summon Portal.

It sounds to me like what you're seeing is the spell economy lowering the duration of the portal. All I can say is try casting higher level Summons (which last longer), or go to Charwic and *shakefist* at all the people begging for a p0r+41 2 +3+h.