Introduced:  The First Strike
Two Headed Snowman
  • Value: 44
  • Burden: 185
  • You can hook this item on floor and yard hooks. It's oddly colder than normal snow.
  • This item cannot be sold.
  • A monstrous snowman. It's very disturbing and the neighbors don't like it
Two Headed Snowman

Notes Edit

Building the Snowman Edit

You smoosh the magic iceball onto the snowball and they form a Snowman's torso.
You smoosh the snowball onto the Snowman's body. It's looking more like a Snowman now. Somethings missing though, a few somethings.
You snap the stick in two and the twigs make perfect Snowman arms.
There, you have mastered the snow and created a perfect Snowman!

Adding the Additional Head Edit

You fashion a monstrous looking Snowman. They say two heads are better than one, but this is just disturbing.