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Facility Hub Quests Edit

40+: Hammer of Lightning Quest
Hub Bonus Experience Reward: 2,850,000xp (fixed)
Quest Experience Reward: None
By level 40, this is a fairly easy quest. The biggest danger is getting surrounded by the reedsharks at the drop point. After that just make your way to the top and kill the special Revenant.

40+: Dryreach Rescue
Hub Bonus Experience Reward: 2,850,000xp (fixed)
Quest Experience Reward: None
This quest is also fairly easy, but watch out for tumerok swarming. Some players experience lag seemingly caused by the tumerok's updated skin, so if you have an older computer beware. The ring is a nice reward, giving you lightning protection and magic resistance V.

40+: Crown of Bone Quest
Hub Bonus Experience Reward: 2,850,000xp (fixed)
Quest Experience Reward: None
This is certainly the most challenging of the 40+ tier, so I recommend completing it last. You'll have to assault a heavily defended castle occupied by an army of skeletons and kill their leader. The crown is worth hanging on to, as it casts acid, cold, and fire protection V. Combined with the ring from dryreach, you have the 4 elements covered.

45+: Blackmire Lore
Hub Bonus Experience Reward: 5,000,000xp (fixed)
Quest Experience Reward: None
This quest can be quite difficult due to the burun swarming you. This means you'll be taking tons of melee hits and magic bolts. If possible, try to fight on the outskirts of their camps. You only need to find one of the notes or tomes to get the item for the hub bonus.

This is the end of the Facility Hub quests. More than likely, this will not be enough to get you to level 50. See the sections below for non-hub quests and hunting areas that can help push you to 50.

Quests Edit

If you need a change of pace from the Facility Hub quests, need a bit more experience to reach the next tier of Facility Hub quests, or simply wish to skip the Facility Hub quests, here are some alternative quests for this level range:

Carenzi Plague: Carenzi Stalker
Experience Reward: 1,190,826 (50% up to level 40)
Item Reward: Writ of Refuge (1)

Ritual of the Blight: Rank Moarsman
Experience Reward: 1,190,826 (50% up to level 40)

Legionary Pincer Quest
Experience Reward: 2,500,000xp (fixed)
Item Reward: Glittering Necklace of Acid and Piercing Protection

Hea Windreave Kill Task
Experience Reward: 3,000,000xp (133% up to level 40)
This is an easy kill task to complete. There are a few locations around Marae Lassel to camp, and windreaves are fairly common in the fields as well.

Tusker Guard Tusk Quest
Experience Reward: 2,500,000xp (100% up to level 41)

Engorged Eater Jaw Quest
Experience Reward: 2,500,000xp (100% up to level 41)

Tumerok Gladiator Kill Task
Experience Reward: 5,000,000xp (133% up to level 46)
This is an easy task to complete. Gladiators are very common around Dryreach, where you get this quest. It should only take around 10 minutes to complete.

Silver Tusker Tusk Quest
Experience Reward: 5,000,000xp (fixed)

Asheron's Raiment Quest (Low)
Experience Reward: 5,000,000xp (fixed)
Item Reward: Asheron's Lesser Raiment

Shackles of Obedience Quest
Experience Reward: 7,000,000xp (175% up to level 47)
This quest is only restricted to level 20+, however you'll get the most out of the reward by completing it in the 40-50 range. It is a very simple quest.

Olthoi Chasm Quest: Second Missive
Experience Reward: 10,000,000xp (fixed)

Exploration Society Letters
Experience Reward: 4,500,000 (85% up to level 50) - 6 quests
At level 40 you can begin the Exploration Society Letters quests, which provide both experience rewards and full sets of gear - armor, clothing, jewelry, and weapons. Some of the quests may prove to be too difficult at level 40, but it would be a good idea to start these as soon as you can handle them. See the guides below for more information:

Tusker Guard Kill Task
Experience Reward: 20,000,000xp (fixed)
This task ranks high in my most boring quests list, because you have to kill 500 tusker guards to complete it. Still, at 40 you can enter the tusker guard tusk dungeon, which helps a bit. And if you are looking to make that final push to 50 this quest can help a lot.

Assassin's Roost Quest
Experience Reward: 21,500,000xp (fixed)
If you are looking to reach 50 quickly, this is a great quest. There are challenging puzzles and interesting environments here, but no combat is required, and it can be completed solo. Warning: Though its possible to complete the parts of this quest with experience rewards at this level, the final area/boss is high level content. Do not engage Selaina unless you want to lose some items.

Outdoor Hunting Edit

Check the Dereth Spawn Distribution, Marae Spawn Distribution, and Halaetan Spawn Distribution maps for an area appropriate for your level.

Inner Sea Gear Knight Invasion Area
A low level hunting and questing area aimed at characters around level 40-60. There are kill tasks, a few more substantial quests, and plenty of hunting. Gear Knights make use of physical and elemental melee attacks along with some war magic. Strong, baned armor and an acid or lightning rending weapon are recommended. Quest guides:

Dungeon Hunting Edit

Tips Edit

  • The Master Enchanter inside the Facility Hub provides level IV attribute and life protections buffs. Look under "Services". These are cheaper than the buffs and gems mentioned in the 10+ tips.
  • The jewelry from the Olthoi Pincers can help cover some buffs.
  • Completing a set of Amateur Explorer equipment from the Exploration Society Letters quest will provide you with level V enchantments for all attributes, combat and related skills, and life protections. It is highly recommended that you complete a suit.