Non-Player Killer
Race Virindi
Title Inquisitive Creationist
Location 12.6S 46.7E in Old Yanshi
Level 235
Strength 340
Endurance 320
Coordination 360
Quickness 380
Focus 380
Self 380
Health 5000
Stamina 6000
Mana 4030

Notes Edit

Crafter Turn Ins Edit

Accepted Items Rewards
Experience Pyreals Items
 Broken Virindi Profatrix Mask
 Virindi Profatrix Mask
 Broken Virindi Consul Mask
 Virindi Consul Mask
 Broken Virindi Desecrator Mask
 Virindi Desecrator Mask

Lore & Dialog Edit

Vincadi tells you, "You have the mark of Nuhmudira upon you. Were I not enamored with the interactions of your race and deciphering the rationale behind your choices, I would likely remove your flesh one layer at a time for this affront."

You allow Vincadi to examine your Virindi Mask.
Vincadi tells you, "I am not interested in collecting bits of inferior creatures."

You give Vincadi Broken Virindi Profatrix Mask.
Vincadi tells you, "How did you obtain this artifact? Well, no matter. It can be repaired and used."
Vincadi gives you Virindi Profatrix Mask.

You give Vincadi Broken Virindi Desecrator Mask.
Vincadi tells you, "How did you obtain this artifact? Well, no matter. It can be repaired and used."
Vincadi gives you Virindi Desecrator Mask.

You give Vincadi Broken Virindi Consul Mask.
Vincadi tells you, "How did you obtain this artifact? Well, no matter. It can be repaired and used."
Vincadi gives you Virindi Consul Mask.

You give Vincadi Virindi Consul Mask.
Vincadi tells you, "This is already repaired. Red? Irrelevant. Fine, now use it."
Vincadi gives you Virindi Consul Mask.

You give Vincadi Virindi Consul Mask.
Vincadi tells you, "Make up your fragmented mind human. Now use it."
Vincadi gives you Virindi Consul Mask.