Introduced:  That Which Is Ours
Virindi Consul
Class Virindi
Level 135
XP 250,000
Luminance 0
Loot Tier 5
Attacks Slash, Fire
Weaknesses Fire, Slash
Strength 300
Endurance 250
Coordination 350
Quickness 340
Focus 300
Self 300
Health 350
Stamina 350
Mana 400
Advanced Stats
Melee Attack
Melee Defense
Missile Attack
Missile Defense
Magic Attack
Magic Defense


Notes Edit

Virindi Consul Spawns

Data courtesy of Mob Tracker. Zoomable color

maps available with downloadable Viewer.

Dialog Edit


Virindi Consul tells you, "Fleshling. Try not my patience my humor is at an end."

On Death

A shrieking sound pulses from the core of the falling Virindi. Thin wisps of darkness lick the ground and filter away into the shadows nearby.

A shrieking sound pulses from the core of the falling Virindi. A swirl of violet light and palpable darkness reach toward you as a voice echoes screaming in pain and rage.