Introduced:  Discoveries Related Quests:  Frozen Fury Updated:  From Darkness, Light
Virindi Interrogator
Class Virindi
Level 100
XP 80,000
Luminance 0
Loot Tier
Attacks Slash
Weaknesses Fire, Slash
Strength 200
Endurance 150
Coordination 250
Quickness 240
Focus 300
Self 300
Health 350
Stamina 300
Mana 500
Advanced Stats
Melee Attack
Melee Defense
Missile Attack
Missile Defense
Magic Attack
Magic Defense


Notes Edit

On Death:

The Virindi's cloak seems to boil, hissing as it collapses. Its thoughts blaze in your mind: "You flesh puppets may have been clever enough to reach us here, however your alignment against us with our unenlightened brethren will bring you utmost ill fortune."

The collapsing Virindi's cloak flutters to the ground. Its thoughts blaze in your mind: "This is not to be countenanced! Yet, your choice of allignment will prove to be a mistake..."