Introduced:  Reforging the Past Related Quests:  Facility Hub Quests, Trothyr's Rest Quest
Non-Player Killer
Race Female Gharu'ndim
Title Portal Warden
Location East wing of the Facility Hub
Level 145
Strength 180
Endurance 190
Coordination 170
Quickness 170
Focus 150
Self 160
Health 175
Stamina 300
Mana 200

Notes Edit

Lore & Dialog Edit

Warden tells you, "Trothyr was one the first members of the now Queen Elysa's band. Back then she wasn't a Queen, but that's another story."
Warden tells you, "We want you to venture to the resting place of Trothyr and recover his Hammer and Shield. Show me either for a reward."
Warden tells you, "You'll need a key or skill with a lockpick to find what you need. A key can be purchased a bit of a run to the North West of Trothy's Rest."
Warden tells you, "This portal behind me will deliver you to 13.6N, 50.7E where you can buy a key from the merchant."
Warden tells you, "Once you're ready to enter the Trothyr's Rest go to 10.3N 54.9E to find the portal."