Introduced:  Release
Weaponsmith Baizai En
Non-Player Killer
Race Female Sho
Title Weaponsmith
Location 10.3N 58.3E in Rithwic
Level 7
Strength 80
Endurance 70
Coordination 70
Quickness 50
Focus 30
Self 30
Health 155
Stamina 170
Mana 80

Notes Edit

  • Route: South of statue on west side of Rithwic.
  • Sells at 135%, buys at 90%.

Currency Edit

Inventory Edit

Trade Notes Edit

Weapons Edit

Lore & Dialog Edit


Weaponsmith Baizai En tells you, "Welcome, welcome! What can I get for you today?"

Buying From

Weaponsmith Baizai En tells you, "Excellent."

Weaponsmith Baizai En tells you, "It will outlast you, I guarantee it."

Selling To

Weaponsmith Baizai En tells you, "It's a deal."


Weaponsmith Baizai En tells you, "Thank you very much!"