Introduced:  The Holiday Rush
Wooden Top
  • Value: 200
  • Burden: 50
  • Bonus to Mana Conversion: +0%
  • This item cannot be sold.
Sneux of Harvestgain poses with his Wooden Top

Notes Edit

  • The Wooden Top spins when wielded.
  • This item spawned randomly on the ground at the feet of the two seasonal NPCs Raymond and Osdryd.
  • After investigation and searching by many players, a top appeared with the inscription "Camping is not the way --+Top of the Morning".
  • It was later revealed on the Turbine forums that this item is given out manually by devs to random players who happen to be playing at the time. Only a handful were given out on each server during December of 2013.

"+Top of the Morning gives you wooden top."